Let your dog get their sniff on!
We offer 2, fully fenced off leash play, enrichment and training parks for you and your canine companions. Whether you are just looking to avoid public dog parks or need a quieter atmosphere to work on your dog’s recall- our private dog parks might be what you are looking for!
All bookings are thru the SniffSpot App with links provided below. Prices in USD.
PARK # 1
This is our original park accessed thru the main driveway. This park is mowed in the summer and plowed in the winter and has a K9 Clubhouse shelter for bad weather.
Book your visit today thru this link:
PARK # 2
This is our newest spot and sure to be a hit! Private entrance, large open space, forest area, and a massive dirt pile for climbing/digging!.
Book your visit today thru this link:
Ready, Set, Sniff…A few rules to keep everyone happy and safe.
Please check and double check your booking time and Park location.
PARK # 1 is accessed thru the main driveway(yellow Kingsfield Kennels sign)
PARK # 2 is accessed thru gate 100m passed(south) of the driveway gate. Please drive into field to park.
Park at designated parking sign and always ensure park is empty before letting your dog(s) loose!
- PARK # 1Please drive in the yard slowly and park in designated area. This is also our home, boarding facility and hobby farm..so yes you might see ducks crossing!
- PARK # 1 Dogs MUST be leashed until completely inside the off leash park. Keep in mind some dogs are here because they are not social or are in training so please keep your distance. Anyone not following this rule will be asked to leave the property with no refund.
- All visits are by appointment only booked thru the Sniff Spot. No drops in permitted.
- All guests must be 16 years of age or older. No children in the dog parks please.
- Please pick up after your dog(s). Garbage and poop bags provided at the front gate to the park. Keep gates closed.
- This is a natural grazing field. NO running/climbing in the trees or playing fetch with sticks. Watch for uneven ground, dirt mounds, insects etc. Please wear closed toed shoes. no flip flops or sandals.
- Proof of dog’s vaccination required.
- Up to date deworming and flea/tick prevention is highly recommended.
- Have the best time with your canine companions!
**Please Note– The fences are 48″ high and have 4″x4″ holes. This means it keeps honest dogs in! Dogs capable of jumping 4′ or squeezing thru small spaces may not be the best fit unless they have good recall. While the parks are quite secluded and private, there is a possibility of wildlife, farm equipment and livestock in the adjacent fields. Working on a long line is welcome for those still in training.
++In winter, there can be snow/ice build up at the fenceline. Mostly at the corners but please be aware.